OnlyFans statistic tool for onlyfans content creator & agencies
Measure and control all your OnlyFans statistics about your fans and you. OnlyFans creator analytics for professionals
Check OnlyFans statistics in one place with Dashboard
User profiling - add onlyfans user stats manually
One of the most crucial things you should do is create strong relations with your fans, following our research with top agencies and creators. It’s impossible to achieve this if you don’t know anything about them and can’t recognize each fan quickly. With our user profiling, you’ll access essential data such as bio, preferences, occupation, family status, and anything else you consider important for each fan.”
Know the exact active time data of your users - OnlyFans stats that truly matter.
Your fans are scattered across the globe, each with their own daily rhythm and schedule. Extensive data analysis reveals that crafting and selling content during your fans’ peak activity periods could skyrocket message open rates by up to 10 times, reply rates by 20 times, and purchase rates by 30 times. We’ll calculate, aggregate, and present this crucial data in intuitive formats to help you maximize your revenue.
High-level OnlyFans statistics about fans for increased chat revenue.
Distinguishing yourself as a top creator relies on understanding your fans. Our profiling system ensures that even a glance at a customized avatar and name will instantly remind you of who each fan is. You can easily track fan preferences, review the last conversation summary (to capitalize on warmed-up fans for yourself or the next shift), access data on a fan’s content preferences, view the revenue generated by top contributors, check remaining content in top folders, and observe average pay-per-view (PPV) and tip prices.
Onlyfans creator statistics - see the big picture to make your way to become one of the top 0.1% creators.
Check all only fans stats in one place with our Dashboard
We’re all unique, in our strengths and weaknesses. This is especially true for creators, each with their unique genre, communication style, and content-selling approach. In the quest to provide the best user experience to fans, it’s challenging to track all statistics and see the big picture. But don’t worry, we’ll gather everything for you: from average pay-per-view (PPV) and tips to the lifetime value (LTV) of users, best-performing genres, the type of content that converts best for you, and much more.
Find all OnlyFans content creator statistics to find better way to grow your income
With our smart vault, you’ll uncover which content is purchased, not offered, offered but not purchased (so that you can withdraw it and try to sell it again). Learn how much income each piece of media generates for a particular fan and in your profile overall, along with conversion rates, offer dates, and more. This feature will help you avoid the mistake of sending the same content twice and identify similar content that fans may enjoy.
Media galleries OnlyFans stats - how much money you earn for your content
Every fan is unique, with their own preferences, making it challenging to keep track. With our smart profiling, you’ll instantly see their preferences, what performs best, conversion rates, and the amount of content not yet offered. You can even create requests for additional content for each folder and gain a better understanding of the related content you already possess.