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How to Get Followers on OnlyFans

Tetiana Malik

icon-calendar Jun 16, 2024 icon-time 15 min

OnlyFans remains one of the most attractive and intriguing content subscription services. While around 210 million users (according to the 2024 studies) find lots of entertainment and appealing visuals there, over 1.5 million creators are trying various options to attract more subscribers and revenue. However, making profitable money on OnlyFans is more and more challenging due to the hundreds of new creators and tons of fresh content they generate daily.

Number of OnlyFans posts

Number of OnlyFans posts from January 2022 to March 2024

As recent studies assume, about 64% of the creators’ income comes from subscription accounts, while PPV and tips get the rest (34%).

Do you have to invent something special to stand out? You do. Are there any ways or practices to get more followers on OnlyFans? There are many! In this article, we highlight the steps that can help you get more fans, succeed on the platform, and amplify your efforts with such efficient services as CRM-Fans!

Analyze Your Target Audience and Your Content

Spontaneous management is a disastrous idea if you really want to get followers on OnlyFans. You can launch your account, offer a variety of content, maintain consistency, and eventually realize that all this effort is futile, as your target audience shows no interest.

Experienced and successful OnlyFans creators insist that research and analysis are the cornerstones for your fun base expansion and good earnings.

Two key points should be considered in your preliminary studies: your content offerings and the types of users you intend to attract.

Just ask some thoughtful questions to see if there is anything to fix, improve, or maybe shift the focus:

  • Do I offer something unique, or at least something uncommon?
  • Is my content engaging or appealing to certain demographics?
  • Is there any proof that my content is relevant?
  • Do I have enough time to create and release high-quality content regularly?
  • Am I ready to produce my content consistently, even if I don’t see immediate results?

Furthermore, you can rely on a scientific approach and use analytic and research tools, for example, CRM-Fans, to define the most popular and prospective niches, as well as the results of your competitors’ activities in terms of earnings and performance.

Enhance Your Profile and Get More Fans

OnlyFans subscriptions are always based on love at first sight, or at least lively interest. If you can’t give either, is it possible to gain followers on OnlyFans? The answer is no. So, it’s high time to optimize your account for more attention, more fans, and more money. Just see the statistics on the most influential creators in 2024 to figure out the exact goals.

Get More Fans

As you can see, the number of subscribers to some popular creators is unknown, and it is quite natural. According to The Small Business Blog, about 88% of OnlyFans influencers prefer to hide the exact number of their followers.

A decent profile typically stands out from hundreds of other accounts and compels the user to go further and explore it. If the content is also elegant, it engages the user and encourages them to subscribe! You can offer fresh and unique posts, videos, and pictures, but if your profile is dull, only a handful of users will be aware of it.

If you want your OnlyFans account to shine, then here are two points you have to consider first.

Create a Captivating Bio

OnlyFans’ visuals are a strong promotional aspect, but personality is equally important to its users. Your goal here is to impress and inspire your followers to stay with you and enjoy your content day by day. That is why your description and your content should be bright and catchy.

A quality and attractive bio may include the following features:

  • Links to social media you sign up: let your subscribers be involved across the digital space.
  • Descriptions of your hobbies: share OnlyFans-related interests to connect with followers.
  • Your location or residence: add some real life to your bio; it can be fictitious if you don’t want to reveal your personality.
  • Explanations on sending messages: crucial for those who want to get subscribers on OnlyFans.
  • Personal boundaries: your fans should know what is unacceptable for you within the OnlyFans environment.
  • Clarification of your anonymity: if necessary.
  • Copyright notice and disclaimer: protect your content and urge the audience to be conscious.
  • A bit of humor: make your new followers more impressed and intrigued.

The final tip for you: stay short! Long bios are usually unreadable and tiresome, so try to be as pithy as possible and hold the focus without being too obtrusive.

Make Your Page Visually Exciting

OnlyFans users are usually drawn by visuals and may not delve deeper into accounts that don’t captivate them at first glance. Ensure your profile has an outstanding design, pin your best content at the top, and choose a unique and intriguing username that is easy to remember. Consider these suggestions, as this is the fastest way to get subscribers on OnlyFans.

Create Compelling Content and See How to Get More Followers on OnlyFans

You may be a fantastic person, and your profile may be flawless, but it means nothing without quality and relevant content. Your followers want to see and hear something special from you, and that is the key challenge if you want to gain as many subscribers as possible.

Make Your Content Unique

Even though OnlyFans evolves based on specific trends, which both users and creators must track and adhere to, you should constantly seek innovative techniques to look and sound original.

Find something special and uncommon in your niche to develop your style and content and excite your subscribers! The above-mentioned research tools may be helpful here.

Post at Optimal Times

Releasing your content when many users are online usually leads to more views and new subscribers. Naturally, OnlyFans visitors are typically more active during the weekdays between 8 a.m. and 4 p.m., allowing you to capitalize on this traffic and use the remaining time to work on your new content or simply relax.

Rely on SEO Strategies

SEO is a useful tool for networking platforms, so apply it to get more followers on OnlyFans! Use relevant keywords in your content to boost your visibility in search engine results and keep in touch with up-to-date search algorithms. In this scenario, Google users may find your profile even if they are simply searching for content related to yours, which is a great way to attract subscribers to your account. The design of your profile will take care of the rest!

Hit Recommended Pages and Newsletter

These are good internal features to get subscribers on OnlyFans. Appearing on Recommended Pages and Newsletters provides better visibility, reach for a new audience, and therefore increased engagement. Furthermore, users place greater trust in the profiles on the recommended pages, so take advantage of all the opportunities that the service provides.

How to Gain Followers on OnlyFans – Post Regularly

Inconsistency is the enemy of any OnlyFans creator. If you release new content on a regular basis, your subscribers will get used to it, which is the best way to tame them. If you post on occasion, the users may feel you are not interested and leave you.

Successful OnlyFans regulars keep to a well-thought-out posting schedule, and their fans anticipate new content each time. This predictability gives a sense of community and respect, and this is what devoted users are always eager to recommend.

Regular posting doesn’t mean there’s no place for spontaneity in your account. Whether it’s an unexpected live session or a post detailing a recent, unusual story, it adds a refreshing element and a touch of vivacity to your account. Also, some creators use teasers before scheduled posts to add excitement; it is a helpful trick, indeed.

Engage Actively with Your Followers and Other Users

Your followers are interested in you and your content, and they need to know that you care. Showing your sincere engagement helps to build a strong fan base and make more money on OnlyFans. The options here are similar to those for many social media networks, so adopt them to gain hundreds of new subscribers!

Run Exciting Contests and Giveaways

People like to have fun, so give a bit of it to your subscribers! Engaging contests and giveaways are not just competitions but a nice way to make each follower feel like a part of the community. To boost engagement, think of some thrills related to your content and brand.

Offer Free Trials, Rewards, and Subscription Discounts

Shouldn’t you reward your subscribers for their appreciation of you? So, return their love by offering rewards, discounts, and special offers to show how much you care. Your engagement is the best motivation for newcomers to subscribe to your page, and this is how you get more followers on OnlyFans.

OnlyFans Collaborations: Team Up with Other Creators

You can make your content more diverse and exciting by joining other creators. It is an effective way to boost your fan base and enjoy your creativity.

The process of expanding your fan pool is straightforward. You team up with somebody else on OnlyFans, create unique content, release it simultaneously, and tag one another. Their subscribers see you, and your fans see your partner—and you enjoy the attention and new subscriptions from both bases. This cross-promotion is a powerful tool for reaching a larger audience and raising income in shorter terms.

The story of Rayna Rose is a wonderful example of successful cross-promotion. Through a revenue-sharing deal with Bryce Adams, a multimillionaire creator and her ex-boss, she got powerful ads for her OnlyFans account and now earns around $24,000 per month.

Collaboration on pay-per-view (PPV) messaging is another type of cooperation. You both simply offer your content through them, thereby reaping double the benefits.

Also, many OnlyFans influencers enjoy co-streaming because it is simple, engaging, and effective. Users also enjoy this type of content because they see real people and have lively communication.

How to Get Subscribers on OnlyFans: Benefit from Social Media

Revealing promotion through social media is the next step after you figure out your niche, style, and type of content. Each platform has its own specific features, and OnlyFans creators use them actively according to their goals and offerings:

  • X (formerly Twitter). Compared to other platforms, Twitter is renowned for its high engagement and friendliness towards adult content. According to Business Insider, the media drives 75% of the traffic in the US to OnlyFans.Here, you can get followers on OnlyFans through retweets, hashtags, and even direct engagements.
  • YouTube. The video-sharing platform is the second-largest search engine on the Internet, which is why creators from OnlyFans choose it to promote their long-form content. You can utilize streams, podcasts, shorts, and video links to showcase your personality and draw in more followers. Also, the monetization feature has quite a positive impact on your income!
  • Instagram. People refer to Instagram as the most visually appealing social network, which accounts for its large audience. OnlyFans creators often adapt stories, live videos, teasers, captions, and hashtags, using them as powerful promotional tools for their art, fitness, music, and other content. However, Instagram’s ban on nudity and erotic visuals poses a drawback for those who offer such content on OnlyFans.
  • TikTok: This fast-growing network is number one for young audiences around the globe, so it is a promising place to win more hearts and minds for your OnlyFans activities. Still, TikTok is very sensitive to adult content, and you can’t offer it there. If you are promoting in other areas, you can use viral content mechanisms to show more creativity through filters, music, and other classy effects that make the audience feel more entertained. In addition, your personality is important! For example, Isla Moon, another OnlyFans star, engages the audience on TikTok through videos about her hobbies, such as fishing and nature excursions. These videos, along with her adult content, have helped her earn about $5 million per year now.
  • Reddit: It is a comfortable place for both effective interactions and targeted promotions. Subreddits and AMA sessions help to involve potential subscribers.

Again, winning more subscribers for your OnlyFans account through social media means that you comply with the rules of the platform where your activity develops. Don’t ignore them, and stay reasonable; this approach helps you avoid sanctions and works in your favor. Moreover, trying special services is also helpful; for example, Fans-CRM uses safe browsers to avoid account blocking.

Use Dating Apps to Get More Fans on OnlyFans

Dating websites and applications seem to be the most evident source to get subscribers on OnlyFans from your adult content. Usually, creators locate links to the OnlyFans page in their dating app accounts, which facilitates the process.

The chances that a user will follow the link in search of spicier content are high, and your subscriber base can grow significantly through it. However, it is crucial to monitor your profile there, as moderators may ban it due to suspicious activity. You can also rely on Fans-CRM and get safe and robust tools for promotion.

Paid Advertising as the fastest way to get subscribers on OnlyFans

If you treat your OnlyFans experience seriously and regard it as a source of income, then investing in paid ads is a reasonable solution. You can start with Twitter or Instagram if you want to expand your follower base as soon as possible, but there is a trick! You need to track the results of this paid promotion carefully to ensure they really work and your ROI is good.

Additionally, media buying serves as another tool to increase traffic, and it can lead to success, even if it requires users to pay more for promotion. In this case, you need to:

  1. Work on a tempting offer.
  2. Build up a funnel.
  3. Keep in touch with the target audience all the time.

Many OnlyFans creators need professional guidance here, especially if they don’t know much about SMM. However, the game is often worth the investment.

Shoutouts are also useful for social media promotion. In reality, a shoutout is simply a reference or recommendation that a blogger or creator with a large audience provides to their subscribers about your work. Big influencers usually keep to the shoutouts-for-shoutouts (SFS) approach, but it is not the choice for newbies. However, you have the option to purchase a shoutout and receive a promotion from a renowned OnlyFans creator.

The shoutout prices vary greatly and depend on the power of a certain influencer, the places where he or she promotes you, and the duration of the rec’s visibility. Also, the selection of promoters is impressive, so you can pick someone you can afford! It is also crucial to track the effectiveness of investing in your OnlyFans career this way. For instance, Fans-CRM provides services to check fan behavior and tailor the strategy to relevant trends and tendencies.

How to Get More Followers on OnlyFans: Utilize Advanced Marketing Tools and Service

OnlyFans may turn into businesses, and if that is your goal, a more serious approach becomes crucial. Turning to a reliable management and promotion service is the shortest way to success at smaller risks. We can confidently say this because Fans-CRM experts excel in this field. We try our best to provide you with safe and working tools and options to track your marketing efforts and see if you’re moving in the right direction. The list of them includes:

  • Strong analytics: Both fans and creators can get accurate and relevant statistics on their promotions and activities and tailor them to their wants, needs, and current goals.
  • Next-level chatting: Thanks to this option, creators can prioritize their subscribers according to their spending, manage their PPV, and integrate many other helpful functions to boost income from chats.
  • Seamless automation: Fans-CRM provides software to let many processes run automatically. It allows you to manage your activities, analyze your communication, and improve your promotion strategy step by step!

High-quality marketing tools are the basis for your steady promotion on OnlyFans. Stay with us and ensure their proper use for your success!


OnlyFans subscribers are different from social media followers. They know what they are looking for and want to be confident that they spend their time and money on quality content. This is why an effective strategy, along with your dedication, may help you attract thousands of followers.

However, you should know that a successful promotion on OnlyFans is not a click-with-your-finger action. Several weeks or even a couple of months may go by until you see the first results. Don’t get into despair, as it is a natural process. Just hold on, and your patience will be rewarded—both mentally and financially.


Is it important to explore your audience for promotion on OnlyFans?

Yes, this point is crucial. If you know your potential subscribers’ wants and requests, you can tailor your content offerings to them and draw more attention to your OnlyFans activity.

What are the most effective tools for winning new audiences for OnlyFans on Instagram?

All IG options are suitable for promotion. Depending on your niche, you can try teasers, stories, live previews, and collaborations to see which strategy works better.

What are the key characteristics of quality content on OnlyFans?

Engaging content is produced through your sincerity, creativity, consistency, and the knowledge of your audience. The criteria are evident; if users approve, like, and subscribe, then you do it perfectly!

How much do shoutouts cost?

Prices for a recommendation or a short review vary from $5 to $350. However, don’t jump head over heels and spend more than you can afford; there are many lucrative offers from OnlyFans’ big creators. Just have patience and seek out the offer that suits you.

Further Reading

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